Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Rth!!!

We've been studying all about Earth! 
I did this activity over a couple of days...
The first day we watercolored coffee filters blue and green to resemble the Earth. 
After they dried, we glued them on black paper and wrote about them!!

But first, we had to research! 

*Quick funny story... I asked the class "where would I go on the internet if I needed to find out some information about something?"  Before any of them could yell out the most common answer, "GOOGLE!!!" I had one little boy yell out "Facebook, Ms. Holly!" haha.  I guess I have a future Facebook lurker on my hands with that one!

So, we googled facts about the Earth and looked at pictures on the Smart Board.  I told them that they MUST write 3 sentences and that I was not helping them spell any words this time, not even Earth! So we practiced sounding out the words I knew a lot of them would use: Earth, moon, planet, water, etc. I was so excited and pleased with how they turned out! Even my strugglers managed to write things that resemebled sentences!!  I was more excited about them phonetically spelling all of the words!  I've had a very hard time getting them to spell inventively here lately!  Here are pictures of two of my favorites!  Don't ya just love how they spelled Earth?? :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sight Word Roll

This is a perfect word work activity! My kids LOVE it! 

Click HERE for download!  TeachersPayTeachers: hollygotigers

Ladybug Spot Counting!

This is an activity I created to use as a math center activity when I teach number words at the beginning of the year.  You could modify it any way you'd like.  It alligns with Math Common Core K.CC.3  but you could also use it to teach counting sets.

I laminated each ladybug page and made sets of clothespins with each number word written on both sides!

Student Steps:

       The student will count each spot on the ladybug and write the numeral in the corner of the box with a dry erase marker.  (ex. 3, 5, etc.)

      The student will then match each ladybug to the corresponding number word by clipping the clothespins to the side.

·       Erase and swap with a friend!

There are 5 ladybug pages in the pack and an explanation page with ideas and tips for the activity. 

Here is the link!  TeachersPayTeachers: hollygotigers CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

This is what it looks like once the kids start using it!

If I were an astronaut...

Creative Writing
We have been talking about Earth in my class.  This week I plan to talk a little bit about outer space and places beyond Earth.  All the kids love to talk about aliens and astronauts so I made this writing activity.  My kids are used to writing on a tablet so this might be better suited for higher grades, but here it is! It's FREE!!

Teachers Pay Teachers: hollygotigers Click here to download

We shall see how it goes... heehee

About Me!

Hey ya'll!
My name is Holly, and I teach kindergarten in Mississippi! I am 26 years old and I've been teaching for 3 years; all in KINDERGARTEN!! There is no other grade I would rather teach.  I am one of 8 wonderful K teachers at our school.  I'm hoping I can get some of the otherson board with me to blog.  We have a lot of ideas and A LOT of funny stories! 

I have served on the ELA common core committee and I'm currently working with 2 other K teachers in my distric to create the Math Common Core curriculum units!  So, I know a little bit about common core...

I am pretty much clueless about blogs but I've noticed more and more teachers doing them so I figured, why not give it a try?